Friday 31 October 2014

Just a Gentle Reminder to those who need to know that they are loved

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

Fight to Let Go

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind produces positive attitude
knowing everything happens for a perfect reason

Love those who put every effort to be with you
loving you  the way you are in looks, size, color , etc
Bless those who discarded you......
some leave you for a reason of being unwell
some due to loving you to the core and so afraid of losing you
some for another  for better looking person not knowing their are being used.

Life Goes On..................
some fall in love heart to heart but  are not meant to be together ....sad yes??

MESSAGE FOR Angel William C - UK



Wednesday 29 October 2014

The Power is within you

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is always at bliss and ease
When you are in this state of mind , 
you are detach from attachments
and free from being a slave to people who love to see you unhappy

Don't be demotivate by the act of these people
They know your liking and they know that is your weakness
 they have Nothing better to do than to take all that you love
 away from you  because these are the people who has no love in them unlike you; who is filled with love and light of your Bhagawan
 ( it can be your favorite TV programme,  position, your goal/dream, your fav. spot, your fav. book, your fav. teacher, your loved from time to time do changes to show that you are not attached to anything in particular.....YES!!!! people do observe us).

Remember :-  
Whatever you practice in theory ;  it will come in practical 

Inhale saying- 
 I AM One with Love of my Master
visual the light of your Divine Master/Saint/Bhagawan filling every part of your body

Exhale your unhappy mood/worries.

(each time you feel demotivated, do this technique to empower yourself)


You are NOT weak.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Mrs Brown's Psychic Experience - Mrs Brown's Boys - Series 3 Episode 3 ( My Fav, Pyschic scene)) -...

What we give out is what we get

1st Anniversary of this Blog

Dear All
for your kind love, support and trust on this blog
Thank you for keeping it alive with your daily viewing
which motivates me to  go on blogging and sharing
 my Divine gifts, self research and knowledge
to the highest good of all concern

with gratitude 
Thanks to viewers 
United Kingdom

( whoever you are, wherever your in this world)
 for being a part of  Divine Task
spreading Love and Light in your own ways



Sunday 26 October 2014

Why the doubt ???

When I am being questioned on my path as a Guide
When I am being questioned on my postings/blogging
When I am being doubted by my own people

all I say to them these days;
"Feel my Light and the answers will come to you".

As we evolve each day, the less we explain to those
who doubt us

 Stillness of the Mind is always beautiful to the Heart
Silence of the Heart is always beautiful to the soul
A Beautiful soul is at Bliss and at Ease in midst of all chaos
 - akashmic harmony -

Wishing Everyone an Empowering day filled with love and joy.

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind enhance our Aura 
attracting right people/things into our lives 
for our Highest good on the path we are heading too.


Good Night from the World of Akashmic

Be The Warrior of This Galaxy......You Can take care of yourself

Love and Light to All

Thursday 23 October 2014

Life is a College of lessons

Healing Affirmation

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind produces happy positive thoughts and emotions
Surround yourself with those who sees the light in you
and spread your light to those seeking it.

My lovelies, 
I create Beautiful minds to be at ease and peace for the highest good of all concern but please remember that we are here not to educate Gangsters or Tailgaters.  These souls carries powerful dark energies with them. If you are being tailgate, just give way and allow them to move on. Please DO NOT try to educated them by not giving away because you feel its your duty to teach them patience and road manners.  These Dark energies may be on an "negative  assignment " and when we inter-cross them, they feel that we challenging their EGO and it can be fatal on us. 
When you come across this situation, tell yourself that they are here to see how evolve you are, they been send to see if you are practicing what you read at this Blog.

**Always be mindful that the car you drive, is also used by your wife or sons/daughters/girlfriend,
and they could be a victim of brutality (your number plate could been marked by these dark energies)

Note :-
The difference between Gangster/Tailgaters and bullies,
Bullies are people who just pick on one person because they know your weakness and they have the history of being a victim of bully.

Be safe Be secure Be loved


In this surrendered moment

In this surrendered moment,
 with love, compassion and kindness 
in my heart;
I let go of all that I was 
and all that I may become,
so that I can be all that I AM

Message from Akashmic

Dear Task Force Team of AH  and Viewers
There's been upgrading of this Blog and 
AH is getting adjusted to it.
sorry for not blogging much.

In next few days 
Pendulum Directions on food/drink energy
Simple Guidance Breathing Meditation on our Chakra
 ( cleanse and align)

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Bed time story with Akashmic

Bliss Night my BeYoutiful Warriors, Care givers, Medical Team
Unique GLBTQ, Silent victims, Healing Heart, Healing souls
Disables and lovely Viewers.
Yup...its been sometime now without bedtime stories from the world of Akashmic

Once upon time , an Angel went on a Journey through time and space wanting to know how Love been practiced in a place called Earth.  As he was passing through our Air space, he got hit by a stray bullet that came from a War Zone area, with great pain the Angel dropped deep into an Ocean.   Well..... Miracles do happen on Earth, because there are mermaids living in oceans and a Mermaid who was on her own enjoying the peaceful sounds of the waves with lovely Fauna and Flora found him injured , she took him to a safe hidden place ,cleaned and healed the Angel's wound..... she's a supernatural mermaid . As the Angel was getting better each day, he wanted to get to know her and curious to why she's hiding her facial. He expressed his feelings of getting  to know her and  would like to see her real self but the mermaid didn't allow that to happen and left in fear.....  while leaving the moment of  hurry, she got herself caught in a huge fishing net, seeing this the Angel came to her rescue and release her that's when he realized she had scars on her face due to been abused.

The Angel did not say a word and left, leaving the mermaid finding her way back.....they both went on separate ways not knowing if they will ever see each other or if they will cross each others path again.   Sad naa.....
What do you think will happen to them my dear Warriors, ??

Hours later, with a heavy heart she swam down memory lane, where the Angel used to be while be was recovering  and.............she was surprised to see him waiting for her with his arms wide open and she swam to his arms with love
 (with the background song of Glory of Love by Peter Cetera)
Strange but has no words its all about heart to heart soul to soul vibration.

 Yup.....they kissed and her scar disappeared because ...... 
"Where there is great love, there are always Miracles".

They lived happily ever after between Heaven and Hell in a place named EARTH.

Okay, dear lovelies....Good Night and Sleep well

To those who are unable sleep, do you know the person you miss very much will visit your Dreamland, close your eyes now and don't keep her/him waiting.


Monday 20 October 2014

coming up in the next few days

 Fun with Pendulum- guidance on 
- food energy
- positive and stale energy in our home

Simple Breathing Chakra Meditation

Good Night Beautiful People of mine

Sleep well my lovelies
May the World be kind to us, may our own thoughts
be gentle upon us.
Be is your Best pajamas; never know who might
visit your dream land, a place of your own 
with no barriers, no boundaries and no separation.  

Sada Sukhi Raho

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

I am down with massive sinus problem and under medication
less communicative.

The Three Jewels of Buddhism- Buddham Sharanam Gacchami Hymn (use the rythm as Breathing Meditation )

Saturday 18 October 2014

Love, Light and Blessings from t he World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Life begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind always knows "ALL IS WELL"

There are times in our lives when things just don't move or happen well for our children. 
Remember, always blessings and prayers will help to enhance the situations not worries , nagging and frustration. 
They need your Light to brighten up their planetary movements.

ALL IS WELL, because you are in an evolve vibration. 

Everything Happens for a Reason......

Friday 17 October 2014

Guides comes, in many forms.

Guides comes in many form just like Lamps comes in different designs.
Some with many followers/disciple,  with rule, terms and conditions on their Guidance. 

Some without any, just moving on sharing the gifts of their Higher Self without fearing of losing anything and gaining everything from their Higher Self.

Test or struggle, which do you consider?

Love and Light 
Any strong/difficult shift of energy you face in life, acknowledge them as a test/exam to be Great Warriors of this Galaxy.
Not as "struggle",  if its considered as a "struggle" you will be trapped in a solemn world forever and ever. 

In sudden, people may walk into your life for a reason
connected by God/ Divine 
some stays forever as friends/lovers for a prefect reason but 
some for a short period of time, given to accomplish their Task in your life and leave without a word
they don't come to change you but they are their to help-out in aligning your intents
Touch your heart chakra and ask yourself, are you allowing anyone to change your mindset or you are doing it for your highest good.

Sada Sukhi Raho

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind  produces silence of the mouth
during arguments or when we are belittle by those who are lacking of peace.


Thursday 16 October 2014

To my BeYoutiful People.............

Blessings from the World of Akashmic 

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind sees things Beautifully
When things are seen Beautifully, it radiates loveliness in us

If there's a conflict situation you need to handle, don't panic
Take a moment to Breathe as gentle as you can way down to your Belly...expanding it
gently exhale......answers will come to you.


From the World of Miracles and Mystic
From the Light Workers World
From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Silent Victims of Bully and GLBTQ

You did not cause any problem to anyone
by being unique or being true to yourself
If you are are feeling left out or in loneliness in your journey of
discovering your new path/world
speak to someone who loves you, who cares for you, 
someone who understand others( it don't have to be religious people)
If you are being  ignored , demand to be heard in positive mindset
Do not attempt to "solve" it yourself.

Recommended friendly FB page -
Rise Against Bully (Justin )
Roland Hiresk    -  USA
Thana Segaran  - to those in Russia
Akashmic Harmony - to those in Malaysia
Siri Simon  -   Malaysia.

we are your friends and you will meet a field of empowering people who will love you , adore you and guide you via FB/Timeline.

Message to bullies from the Heart of Akashmic

Calling all bullies, you will be respected as per your demand , if you have the Guts to join your country Military base, Marine or Commandos Force.  

You will enjoy it......  

today,  I lost a unique soul due to bully. 

Monday 13 October 2014

If this is true, why there are husbands/husband-to-be allow their mother and sisters
to create misery to his wife/wife-to-be ?

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind radiates bliss thoughts
to be at ease and peace seeing the beauty of everything ,
solving issues as evolve souls,
and this  sharpens our sixth sense

Inhale Peace Exhale Bliss


Love and Light

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

Sunday 12 October 2014

Love & Light to the victims of Hudhud Storm (India)

May our Love vibration be kind to Mother Nature, may our own thoughts be gentle upon us.

from  the heart of 
Akashmic and her Task Force Team

how do we do this??

inhale divine vibes exhale unwanted thoughts/emotions/feelings

every time a ill or low thoughts/feelings appears, immediately turn your thoughts to chant sutras, mantras or affirmations.
 (to those seeking for one, You may use the word Buddho, which I learned from the book called THE NOBLE TREASURE,  inhale the word Buddho to your mind, exhale your unwanted vibes)

 listen to mystic /divine music/mantras
recommended video music (Youtube)
- Positive Chillout
- Karunesh
- Spring Lady
- Old Mike field (N0 Man;s Land)
- Biddu (Journey to Eastern, Journey to India, Dance of Siva)
- Kitaro (Dance of Saraswati)
- Al-pha-X  ( Indian summer)

view more inspiring videos on Youtube
(Dr Wayne Dyer,  Ellen DeGeneres, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, What Could You Do?)

Be FB Friends of One Vibration

Visit more often  of AH's blogs (just kidding)

Breathe-Release-BeAt Ease


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...