Tuesday 8 July 2014

A cup of love from the World of Miracles and Mystic

 To my Warriors who's been good to their Caregiver, Doctors, Nurses and to themselves.

to my BeYotiful  moody warriors, I understand your discomfort and may your treatment be kind and gentle to your body, mind and soul.

to my unique GLBT beings who are lacking of love vibration.

to my brave broken hearts and healing souls - be strong, stay strong cos someone may adore your heart for being a victim of betrayal love.

to my silent victims hiding in your shell, reclaim your POWERS..... as long as you show fear your bullies/molesters/idiots will take advantage on you.  Take up Marital Art to build  your self confidence,  if the fees are expensive...... watch on You tube on Martial Art or Military exercises.  

I built up my self confidence and broke fears/shyness in me by watching Youtube
- Would would you do??  John Quinones.
and of course Ellen DeGeneres, she is Cosmic Love Vibration.
 ( a Light Worker)

Love, Light and Blessings


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