Tuesday 8 July 2014

Fractured heart by Alok Jain

I believe our hearts are cracked open (or fractured) when we are very young. This process happens with our parents or caregivers. Further, the method in which our hearts are fractured predisposes us to the way in which we will let the light and love into our hearts in the future.
If our hearts were fractured by faulty or misguided of love—no matter how well-intentioned—we will then be left looking for wholeness again.
We will crave the more comfortable feeling that we had before the dysfunctional fracture.
On the other hand, if we were nurtured and loved in a pure and good way, I believe that we will embrace our fracture hearts as beautiful and normal. We will not long for a love that tries to glue our hearts back together. We shall rightly remain of pure and good fractured hearts.
A healthy fractured heart allows for love and light to flow freely in both directions.
Finally, regardless of how one’s heart was fractured, the giving and receiving of love and light in a positive way is possible. It may take time and hard work, but it is worth every effort.~~

(All rights reserved. No part of this write up maybe used or taken without the approval of Alok Jain.)
 Picture images with Thanks to Google Images.

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