Sunday 20 July 2014

Your Mirror Task

Hellooooooooo , my BeYoutiful Warriors
my unique Beings, My Beautiful silent Beings
My BeYoutiful healing hearts/Beings
My lovely Disabled Beings
Did you all miss AH??? ooooor
did you all enjoy her absents....;)

You Task for today is,
have a mirror in your hand , with slow and gentle, inhale and exhale (5times)
take a good look at yourself at the mirror,  use your palm to gently run through every corner, every nook of your face and say :
 " I AM a BEAUTIFUL soul, I am loved and appreciated by Akashmic Harmony and her Divine Force.   I AM reclaiming my BIRTH RIGHT to be on earth for a perfect reason".  

 (pic - with thanks to Google Images)

Silent victims of bullies/silent GLBT
how are you going to RECLAIM your POWERS?
 - Just Inhale Divine into your mind, exhale bullies/insecurities/worries to Cosmic as love and light
- feel your Divine force /angels are residing in your heart. Carry them with you at all times.

- breathing of divine energy meditation
-Qi Gong
-surround yourself with empowering people
-speak out/voice out in empowering ways 
( view Dr Wayne Dyer, Ellen DeGeneres, Will Smith , What Would You Do??)
- listen to songs that inspires you (one of them are songs of Celine Dion, Whitney Huston)
- always know that you are here at AH because YOU ARE LOVED.

From the heart of Akashmic Harmony ,
"Everyone one of us are born with healing powers; we just need to sharpen that senses using the right tools".



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