Monday 28 July 2014

Breathe with Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful Mind happens when we inhale divine vibes and
exhale all unwanted vibes form our body, mind and heart

To some, its easy for AH to talk.
True, it took me 7 over years of Breathing meditation to be who I am today ; at ease and at peace.
No, I didn't go into total meditation for 7 years living a forest or in the mountains

I was living a normal daily life doing my daily routine as a wife, mom and a daughter to my parents.
Each time misery thoughts pops out, I inhale divine vibes and exhale unwanted vibes from my mind to Cosmic as love and light - that's all I did . 

I also did many soul search techniques with my Guide Angel, Dr Sumitra Nirella and my Reiki Masters because  I always wanted something that will benefit me.....INNER PEACE, and not to be disturbed by happenings and mindset of my surroundings.  Through out this journey and cleansing, I find by doing breathing meditation, many unwanted energies will be wiped out of your thoughts.

I do this Breathing Technique while cooking, caught in a bumper to bumper jam, traveling in a bus, train,  hospital appointments or anytime I need.  

The power is with you, you need the right people and the right tools to sharpen it.  Just Breathe gently.

sharing with Love and Light to those who need a guideline on breathing meditation.
Its from a book named  NOBLE TREASURE ,a book that was very precious to me but deep in my heart I knew I cannot hold on to it because there are others whom I need to share with.  I lost the book while it was on to move of sharing. <3

My first breathing Meditation I learned from Noble Treasure
"Inhale Buddho in the mind, exhale unwanted thoughts"

please feel free to use any divine vibes you have in your heart.

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