Thursday 11 September 2014

Are you this???

To be this
All you need is turning every thoughts of yours to positive
No matter how broken, hurt, or devastated due to betrayal or missing someone badly
 surround yourself with those who will up lift your spirit
indulge or associate yourself with good/divine vibrations
bringing sparks of light to your heart, mind, body and soul

To  Guides/Light Workers
You will be tested through;  in every aspect of your life
layers by layers because you choose to be in this path... trust me.
As a Guide , 
its your Task on how you are doing to deal with your personal  issue/situations/people as well as being a Light to others.
Are you going to be a victim, indulging with sadness or frustrated vibrations/ energies dragging your followers into it  AND you ; yourself need guidance
Are you the LIGHT that will turn your mind, heart and attitude to positive thoughts/vibrations for; not only to yourself but to those who needs you.

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