Thursday 18 September 2014

Breakfast with AH

Love, Light and Blessing from the World of Miracles and Mystic

To New Cancer Warriors, cancer is not a death sentence...activate your thoughts to recovery,
You may face many that will be sad and devastated leading the mind to blockages, please tell them that their sadness and tears are not going to help you ,only their prayers and positive thinking/attitude will give a Light to your soul.  Together with your Western medications/treatments and Natural/Self Healing,  many, I know have beaten cancer cells.  With love and light, please View my blogging on  "Beat Your Illness Directory".

To my Beautiful Warriors heading for treatment
Reiki Love and Hugs from the Light Workers world

To my Beautiful Warriors recovering from treatment and having side effects,  inhale divine energies, you are very much love by Akashmic and her Task force Team
don't give up.....carry on and fight the battle like no warriors has fought before

To my lovely Care- givers and Medical Team, you are Earth Angels passing through this time and space.

To my precious LGBTQ and Disabled beings, YOU ARE LOVED by the Light Workers World. Remember this at all times

To my Healing Heart/soul, be strong, be brave and know in your heart that you are loved by someone who adores your courage, feels your pain and loving you in silence.  

To my silent victim of bully, ITS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT TO RECLAIM YOU POWERS......
your bullies  are lack of love and attention elsewhere YOU!!!! have all the love from AH and her Task Force Team. 
Akashmic Harmony's Timeline/FB is open for viewing of postings and friendship. Be safe Be secure Be Loved.


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