Saturday 13 September 2014

Fill in the Blanks with AH

Blessings from the world of Akashmic
A Beautiful Life begins with a Beautiful ............(fill in the blanks)
A Beautiful ...........creates ............... vibration in us
with our ..............vibration, we create HAPPINESS
to those we love very much, filling them with happy emotions/mood

When he/she is happy , we are Happy
when we are happy our relationship is happy
when our relationship is healthy, our LOVE is revived 
Be crazy,  Be wild, Be mad, Be a your loved one

cos you are in the Task Force Team of Akashmic Harmony


(with thanks to Jo Rosas via Timeline/FB for the above quote)

Akashmic Harmony's Principle
Na punishments, Na revenge, Na ego, 
just making things easy because we only live once in this life
and if we are gone, we can never make back  "here"
to say out whatever that we've been holding back.

My ego is at the feet of Lord Buddha
and I always make sure that it doesn't rise any higher then Buddha's toes.  (to those who need guidance on this matter)

Love, Light and Blessings

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