Wednesday 2 July 2014

Bed time Story from the World of Akashmic - Rose

Roses are associated to Love and Romance.  Few weeks ago, I was given a red rose saying its for my health; not for love, not for getting to know but for me to bloom from my health problem. Rose is also linked to my fav love story and favorite couple Beauty and The Beast. When the last petal of the rose dropped Belle told The Beast that she loves him very much which broke the spell on him......With Great Love Miracles do Happen.

How did the Beast get the rose?? during his time as a Prince,  an old beggar woman came to his Castle for shelter during cold winter and offered him a rose, being old and haggard the Prince turned her away and  she caste a spell on him.  She warned him not to judge her on appearance for true Beauty was found within.
Well ....this too happens on FB profile pictures. FB friendship requests is all about  how lovely, pretty, slim and sexy a person is.

With Love and Light, that's all for tonight's bedtime story. 
 Sleep well my dear Warriors and everyone visiting this blog.
Always know that You are loved by people who sees your light.

** Sada Sukhi Raho **.

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