Saturday 5 July 2014

Dear Minister , Why there are beggars and homeless in Malaysia

In Solidarity for homeless and hungry beings of Malaysia.

These are the good Malaysian who understands the hunger of other beings. My children are among them, my daughter Shagerina gets drinks and food for elderly homeless men (in their 70's) who been chased out of their home, few of these men are without money to buy food and at times they do steal fried chickens from stalls to ease their hunger, one just can't die in their sleep peacefully without food.  My son Sanjeev,  buys lunch for foreign labor grass cutters in my area who are not been given salary. They can't demand for their salary, they can't fight for their rights in foreign land because input of fear in them and my youngest son Dhillon joins his sister in Night Street Walk distributing food to homeless in the heart of KL city.  Why do we do this.......because BEING HUMAN.  There are also foreign labors that been cheated by their agents and stranded here,  living at walk ways and under fly overs. Do you know that??

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