Saturday 31 January 2015

Akashmic Lovers page - TRUST

Divine Proposal Marriage

by Him :-

I hold out my hands to you
One hand slowly unfolds
Revealing to you the key of my heart.
My other hand hold the password to my soul.
These two gifts I place in your hand
Along with the third gift.
The one that bounds the other two together
This gift is my trust.
These three gifts I give to you
My heart, my soul and my trust.
As I place my hand over the top of yours
Listen as I say "I love you".
I turn and walk away
Now you hold all that I am in your hand
The choice is yours.

By Her :
 My Beloved,
I am blessed to be the chosen one
to your legacy of love,

Now, take my hand
And with it comes
My ...
and Forevermore
Take my hand closer to your heart
 as I whisper  "I LOVE YOU" and with it
All I have
All I AM
Is forever yours till you find anew.

- mysterious love -


Friday 30 January 2015

Quote by Universal Life Force

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful Mind produces happy thoughts and hormones

With love and light, sorry for not blogging for the past week.

With much love and light my Higher Self has blessed me with a new Task to upgrade my meditation, visualization and Healing  energy,  and with the Blessings of Most Vulnerable  Dr Mikoa Usui, my Reiki Master Mr K.Nanthan and Dr Sumithra.N
I shall be sharing the new techniques here and at my Timeline for the highest good to all Beings in need of it.

I did try to vast my knowledge on Aromatherapy but I guess its not align to my vibration.

Techniques that I am going to share, can be done by my lovely Special Need Beings and those recovering from stroke, accidents and even Care givers can use this technique to their coma patients, mental disorder, suicidal minds and for many others.

- Pyramid Manifestation technique
- Pyramid Mudras 

With love and Light



Sunday 25 January 2015

What's on AH's mind???

Mothers or Fathers who insult other children and belittle them are insensitive beings
I do wonder why some parents say that uneducated individual can't get married and have a good life. If that is true, then we won't have farmers planting vegetables and fruits for us , rubbish collectors clearing out our rubbish daily, mechanics to repair our vehicles, Public Transport drivers, Oil and Gas drivers and many others we depend on without a Degree and Phd in them.

I know that every parents wants the best of the best for their daughters or son, but  matters change in blink of an eye.  We cannot read or predict an individual's character.

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind see every issues/situation as a blessings of lessons in life

 Beautiful people of mine
wishing you an empowering Monday
may you day/week be bless with love and blessing in whatever
task you are in.
may you be filled with success to carry on your duty as parents/single mom/dad, foster/step parents to help financial and guide your lovely sons/daughters to greater heights. 

Be safe Be secure, Be loved.

Friday 23 January 2015

breakfast with Akashmic


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful mind radiates love to the Heart
A Love Heart is a Healthy Love
 Have a lovely day Beautiful people of mine,
sending you Magical spell of mental happiness, well, joy and peace
in whatever you are assigned for; today
Raise the love vibration in you to the highest frequency
that will it not drown to low energies.


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Monday 19 January 2015

Health Benefit of Tumeric - Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia

Benefit of Saffron

Bliss and Bless Night my BeYoutiful Beings

Bliss night from the World of Akashmic
may your evening be filled with love, joy and peace
being with your family and loved one
knowing you are welcome with butterfly kisses and hugs
or welcome your loved one with smile and warm hugs releasing his/her stress
  With love and light I have prepare a cup of milk saffron with almonds to keep your body, heart and soul warm and cozy
(a fav dink of AH - badam khir)

Saffron Almond Milk
1 cup Milk
4-5 almonds crushed
2-3 pistachios crushed
1-2 cardamon crushed finely
1 tablespoon sugar/honey (as per taste)
4- 5 strands of pure saffron
sleep well for a Prefect Tomorrow 

Sunday 18 January 2015

It's fine to let go of those who devalue your good self

Message to broken hearts

Be strong, stay strong 
with blessings from above , someone who adores you from a distance will walk into your life

"When I am left lost, something new awaits me"
  - akashmic harmony -

Blessing from the World of Miracles and Mystic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind produces lovely thoughts
and knows when to silence it's self when being judged

Wishing my BeYoutiful Victorious Warriors love and a light
wherever you are, whoever you are
whatever you are going through
I wish you love, well and at ease

To my unique GLBTQ
you are love vibration on the right track
this is your birth right to be true to yourself
You are very much Loved by the Light Workers World

To my silent victims of bully, healing hearts/souls
may the love vibration that Light workers are send out each day
be kind and gentle upon you.
Always know that there is a purpose of you being send to this time and space
We emerge to this time and space totally naked,
No one came with dressing code and a scroll from above
with all guidelines written on it.
Whatever you are MADE to go through are 
human made rules and terms
sooo break it!!!!! 


Friday 16 January 2015


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind will always be blessed with lovely thoughts
and no matter how much confusion or complicated your mind wonders, 
you will always be guided to acknowledge that , it's meant for you

"Change the things that can be changed, accept those that cannot,
and have the wisdom to know the difference"
 - from the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff -


 Put on your Magical smile, its someone's happiness

Thursday 15 January 2015

Love and Light to Blogger Raif Badawi (50 more lashes today)

Thoughts in writings are being punished
these days.  

What's going on in AH's brains

from a kid's time, I do ask myself how can whacking with belt, caning, slapping, hitting, punishing helps a child in her/his growing years. How can all these help a child to Excel in his/her studies and in life? Cos these energy will be carried on inside a child to do the same for their children some day. Children are defenseless Beings .....lives goes on with hidden pain ......

We are Powerful souls born with the gift of LOVE

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind ..................(fill in your own words)

Today I have a Message from my Guide,
a person who showed me riches with being humble
that brings love and comfort  too many via act of kindness in her.

YESSSSS ELLEN  DEAR,  I AM trying to get your attention because one of my life's GOAL is see you in person at your show, someday.   Being true self to myself .....

Wednesday 14 January 2015

what's on AH's mind???

Those who conspires against you....
and those who are align to the conspiracy
are those who are lacking of love and trust in them

If they are filled with love and self respect
they are individuals that will inspire and built the nation with Light of their Teachers/Masters/Saints/Bhagawan. 

- suchitra dharamasena martin -


Bliss Night with Ginger SPA

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only Star up tonite
waiting for her Moon to appear

Bliss night from the World of Akashmic
my Beautiful Beings
May you be well , happy and at ease with your family and loved one

filling the ambiance of your world  with love, cuddles and laughter

I have prepare an Aromatherapy SPA for tired or aching feet after a stressful day
(it can be used -detox, relaxation, diabetic, arthritis)

1/2 of freshly grated ginger or pounded
**or a teaspoon of ginger powder
- Add grated ginger or ginger powder to warm water 

( or as your desire)
- soak in for 15 - 20 minutes
- make sure to drink water after your ginger bath/soaking of feet.

May you sleep well and sweet dreams from the world of mystic and magic, welcome a perfect tomorrow

Be safe Be secure Be loved



Love and Light to Blogger Raif Badawi

From the Heart of Akashmic Harmony
My Thoughts, Love and Light are with 
Blogger Raif, his wife and children

"This world has lost its Glory of truth
even in the spiritual world what more in politics"
 - suchitra dharmasena martin -

May the lashes be kind and gentle upon your- goodself

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Eclipse of the Love ( RUMI LOVERS RUMI page)


I LOVE YOU so very much
it makes my cry because 
I know that when it finally happened
the book of shadow opens ....
cast the cursed spell "Eclipse of the Love" 
sealed me forevermore from your kingdom of love

with my eyes open at first ray of sun rise
its you, the occupant of  my thoughts 
with my eyes close, its you in my dreamland
Each scars of my love tells the loyalty 
of my love for you,
going against all odds to break the spell 
that can never be cast away.......
My love for you won't be enough to make you stay

I LOVE YOU so very much 
releasing you from the spell "Eclipse of Love"
when this happens..........., 
the book of Magic opens , the book of shadow closes
someone will take you away from me.

13/1/15- akashmic harmony for RUMI LOVERS

Home Remedy for Asthma airway.


 What is the difference between Carrier oil and Essential oil ??

Carrier oils used as bases for aromatherapy blends are extracted from fruits
which not cause allergic reactions and are therefore suitable fro use on all skin type.

Essential oils contains different like of chemicals that together are responsible for its individual character, aroma and therapeutic action.
Main chemical groups of essential oils are :-

Alcohols (for uplifting and antiseptic and antiviral)

Ketones (sedative and pain relieving)

Esters ( for soothing and anti- inflammatory)

Aldehydes (  for cooling and calming)

Phenols (for simulate the immune and nervous systems)

Terpenes ( for analgesic, antiseptic, calming and balancing


Home Facial Remedy Recipes

Reduce & Prevent Wrinkles

1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoon oatmeal
2 teaspoon Olive oil
1. Mix the milk and oatmeal and let it cook on low heat
until the oatmeal is soft

2. Pour in a bowl and mix the Olive with the cooked oatmeal
3. Allow the mask to cool , then apply it for 20-35 min, every other day for best result
4. Rinse with warm water & moisturize it

Anti Aging Skin Care

Banana Mask Recipes
1/2 of ripe banana
1 teaspoon of Honey
2 teaspoons of yogurt

1. mash banana in a bowl
2. add honey and yogurt in and mix ingredients
Apply to face for 20 mins
Then wash your face with warm water

love and light

Monday 12 January 2015

My lovely lost/healing heart/souls.....

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind creates a lovely heart
A lovely heart radiates an empowering love Aura
manifesting joy and happiness to those walking into your path seeking for a light 


Sunday 11 January 2015

Love and Light from the Heart of Akashmic to,

my Victorious Warriors undergoing treatment, appointments, seeking for second opinions
my Victorious Warriors recovering from treaments
"may the treatments/medication be kind and gentle upon your body , mind and soul".

my lovely Care Givers,
precious GLBTQ, Healing hearts/souls
Beautiful Special Need beings
you are ALL loved by Light Workers World

affirmation :- 
"All is Well,  All Is Well
Everything is working out for my highest good
out of this experience only good will come
I AM safe"

Love and Light from the world of akashmic

A beautiful days begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful mind creates ease and peace to the heart
in midst of all chaos

Beautiful people of mine
wishing you an empowering day fill with love and success
in whatever you do or embark on, seek for blessings
and everything on this journey will fall in place beautifully

Don't forget to put n your magical smile
a smile that will bring joy and happiness to a gloomy heart
a smiles that knows with great love from a loved one
will heal all your darkness


Saturday 10 January 2015

With great Love Miracles do happen.........

Stay centered in love and Miracles happens

 love and light

Quote on All Is Well

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

Many of us are undergoing strong shift of energy in health  and in life changes for 2015
Stay strong with divine vibes
I have lost a friend and 2 are fighting for their lives due the health issues.
I was not spare too, on  the 1st Jan 2015,  at a spiritual dinner function, I got choked on an air bubble that blocked the passage of my throat.   I was struggling for my next breath , I informed a nearby me that I was choking and to alert my husband, and  I walked away from the crowd, still able handle the situation of not panicking anyone there.  I was walking aimlessly, try to relived myself with reiki symbols hoping the passage will be cleared at the same time I knew.......its "my time" because there's lack of oxygen in my brain but still thinking what's taking my husband's time and was about to collapse when my youngest son come to my aid and revived me and followed by my husband.
all this happened within minutes,
I wasn't afraid but angry with "Death Angel" taking me away with him/her in a rude manner because it wasn't the food I got choked with but a tiny air bubble from my own saliva, then only to realized that "Death Angel" got the wrong person at the wrong time.

Life is uncertain but death is
at anytime, any where, any manner without an invitation
we must be prepared and abort all our mission to this time and space to
return "Home"
if its meant to be, it will be..... nothing can stop it.


Wednesday 7 January 2015

From the Blogs of Akashmic Harmony - Charlie Hebdo shooting (7/1/15)

Good Nite from the World of Miracles and Mystic

Good Night Victorious Warriors, Care givers,  lovely GLBTQ
silent victims of bully, healing hearts/souls, beautiful special need Beings
and viewers,
May you have a bliss and relax nite after a stressful day
knowing someone awaits you with hugs and butterfly kisses

May the world be kind to us, may our own mind be gentle upon us

Welcome a Perfect Tomorrow
signing off with the fragrance of  aromatherapy 
Be safe, be secure Be loved
Welcome a Perfect Tomorrow

Sada Suki Raho

 Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering one's mood, cognitive, psychological or physical wellbeing.

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...