Monday 5 January 2015

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind is always  at ease and at peace

Beautiful People of mine
since the ending of 2014 and now 2015
many of us are undergoing shift of energies
some may not know what's bothering them or why they are upset
or what causing them to be upset....
some will find that the person you love most ,may not understand
your shift of energy, it is fine if you tell them all you need is a hug
to be at ease and peace during this trying times..... till Feb2015
Stay Strong, Stay Bless 
Inhale Divine energy, exhale the darkness

To my lovelies, who are unaware of your loved one's shift, or why the unusual behavior.
Your loved one needs your love, understanding, support, comfort, prayers, healing vibes
hugs, affection, sweet kisses and gentle touch to overcome these shift of energy in them.
These gestures will soothe the process of  being human.
He/she been with you during your trying times and its your Light they need now.


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