Sunday 18 January 2015

Blessing from the World of Miracles and Mystic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind produces lovely thoughts
and knows when to silence it's self when being judged

Wishing my BeYoutiful Victorious Warriors love and a light
wherever you are, whoever you are
whatever you are going through
I wish you love, well and at ease

To my unique GLBTQ
you are love vibration on the right track
this is your birth right to be true to yourself
You are very much Loved by the Light Workers World

To my silent victims of bully, healing hearts/souls
may the love vibration that Light workers are send out each day
be kind and gentle upon you.
Always know that there is a purpose of you being send to this time and space
We emerge to this time and space totally naked,
No one came with dressing code and a scroll from above
with all guidelines written on it.
Whatever you are MADE to go through are 
human made rules and terms
sooo break it!!!!! 


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