Wednesday 30 December 2015


coming up in 2016

- Is your child a child psychic ?
- Su Jok Therapy  point pressure and points to active brain cells for children.

Wishing Beautiful of mine a Blessed Happy New- 2016

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

2016 in Feng Shui reading is a good year for all of us
mainly of good fortune and honesty vibrations.
To enhance this vibes, we need to manifest by being in the right track in life because its a zodiac year of Naughty Monkey.
Element of Fire. Color - Red
Monkey see Monkey do, so what we think or manifest is what will be given to us.

 mindfulness, balance and be grounded well

Saturday 26 December 2015

Mere Pyaar

It's been a long day without you
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you
We've come a long way from where we began
 I'll tell you all about my pyaar when I see you

 Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here talking to you
Everything I went through you were my breathe
if only you allow me in ,

you won't turn yourself as a emotional psycho
tiring yourself thinking if you have lost your precious gem
 the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turn to a bond
And that bond will never be broken
The love will never get lost
Remember me when I'm gone
So let the light guide your way, yeah
Hold every memory as you go
And every road you take, will always lead you home, 

a home of past, present and next life.........

note:- original song of Wiz Khalifa  

When  will I see you again

Thursday 24 December 2015

Blessings from the World of akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind is always at ease and peace
in midst of all doubts

wishing everyone a lovely day filled with love and blessings
Just a gentle reminder; its Fullmoon today
be with Divine vibes if you are emotional down or in a misunderstanding situation or having uneasy mindset.....
DO NOT try to attempt anything that will endanger your life or the lives of others.
Stay bless and breath love and exhale all your troubles
Have cards of Arch angels /symbols/ your saint or recite empowering mantras/prayers/affirmations to be at ease and peace.

Fight the resistance with your LIGHT 
 breathe-release-be at ease

Love , Light and Blessings from the World of Akashmic

picture courtesy of Rise Against Bullying

Christmas Wishes from the heart of Akashmic

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Thoughts of the day

Thought of the day

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind  gives out unconditional love
to those seeking for a light to their darkness

Just like a Tree that grows well giving shade on hot days
and shelter on rainy days, unconditionally to anyone
with no expectation..... its just go on growing
and its roots finds its way to every nook and corner of earth
to ground itself firmly and well..........

But there are humans who feels uneasy of a Tree giving out 
shades and shelter to unknown people or vehicles
so they chop the trees off out of selfishness of their own mind
And there are times when a tree is hit by lightning 
its gets burned or broken or destroyed..........

But a Tree doesn't die or give up on growing
No matter what happen to it by Natural disaster or Human selfishness
its gives itself time to grow with new buds, new life, new journey towards Sunlight ...growing again to give out shades and shelters, growing for lovers of Nature.

Our heart is like a Beautiful tree growing and spreading unconditionally. Our mind is like the root that is finding its way to be grounded well and strong.



Friday 18 December 2015

My Thoughts

I am ready to take my defense as a victim of bully at the Court of Law of Attraction with the Most Powerful team working on my highest good -
a team that know no lies, 
a team that never take sides,
a team that can't be bought or bribe,
a Team that has witness everything by itself.............
 Universal Life  Force/ Higher Powers 
Every action has a reaction , even if it takes 20 or 30 years.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba Instrumental Hare Rama Hare Ram Especially For my Beautiful Warriors finding difficulty in sleeping.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Message of the day

"EVERYTHING in me is healing in every way with
Love and light"
 - a.j -

My thoughts..........

Message from the world of Akashmic

Why is that as Humans we always tend to love and be nice to that person who loved and cared for us once upon a time;  only when we know that  he/she is dying??
Why can't the same love, care and attention be shown naturally in the Name of LOVE ??
why is it there a need of a threat to gain love, attention and to be cared for??
So is this love  truly  a love with  no longer of doubts and punishments or for Cancer love??
Why?? Why do One has to change the mindset of realizing true love given to them only when their loved one is fighting a battle to go on living??

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind keeps unwanted thoughts away
radiating lovely vibes to the heart
A lovely heart will always clean and cleanse
staying mindful, balance and grounded.

Breathe with Akashmic......
Gently inhale bliss vibes
Gently exhale all unwanted thoughts to Cosmic as love and light
(yes, cancer cells, bullies, sadness and all that are holding you as its prisoner ). 
Send them to Cosmic and fill you body, mind and soul with saying- "Everything in me is healing"

Saturday 12 December 2015

Benefits of Tulasi (Holy Basil) by Sporshita Saxsena

 Home Remedies: Tulsi can rightly be termed as one of the most commonly and widely used ingredients in many Indian home remedies. From regular fever to some of the deadliest and most fatal bacterial and viral infections – tulsi can help cure or to some extent, facilitate treating most diseases. 
 Dr. Simran Saini from New Delhi suggests consuming a drink made by boiling tulsi leaves and adding about 2grams of black pepper to it. This drink helps in building your immunity, acts as an antibacterial element and facilitates recovery from dengue
The quintessential kadha – a mix of ginger, tulsi leaves, peppercorn (crushed) in boiling hot water - is usually seen as a potion that can put most illnesses straight. Apart from these there is a bundle of other beneficial properties that this humble plant boasts of, take a look –

1. It acts as a detoxifying, cleansing and purifying agent – both from within and without.

2. Therefore it is good for skin – both when consumed and applied topically.

3. It is also effective in treating skin disorders, itching and issues like ringworms.

4. It can be made into teas or can be had raw, powdered, paste or in form herbal supplements.

5. It has antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties.

6. It helps in relieving from fever, headache, sore throat, cold, cough, flu and chest congestion.

7. It is also beneficial in treating respiratory ailments like chronic bronchitis, asthma etc.

8. Helps relieve stress, strengthen immunity, and facilitate proper digestion.

9. It is loaded with phytonutrients, essential oils, Vitamin A and C
10. Regular tulsi consumption can also aid in balancing various bodily processes.

11. It counters elevated blood sugar levels and is therefore beneficial for diabetics.

12. It helps in regulating uric acid levels in body, thereby elimination risks of developing kidney stones. It is also beneficial for those who have kidney stones.

13. According to the Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India, tulsi can help in maintaining normal levels of the stress hormone – cortisol in the body.

14, It can wards off harmful effects of free radicals.

15. Is great for dental health and for healthy gums.

16. Is an effective insect repellant and can aid in treating insect bite.

17. Is also beneficial in treating conditions like hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue and swine flu.

18. It is also known as adaptogen.

How to Consume?
Consume it raw, plucked fresh from the plant, add it in your tea . Apart from the conventional ways of consuming the humble, holy basil, you can experiment with it in your cooking and render an exquisite, earthy, aromatic flavor to your preparations. To begin with, we bring to you one of the most basic and widely loved delicacies prepared using tulsi leaves.

My Neem tree

Sharing my thoughts about my Neem tree which is connected to my vibration.  Many a times when my husband has an intention of trimming or cutting of the branches of this tree, my heart gets very sad because of its spiritual purpose and shouldn't be thrown or discard with disrespect.  Everything is energy as we say ...... my Neem tree too listens and to soothe my heart , its sends out vibes for  someone to come over and ask me if they can trimmed some branches of leaves for Hindu temple functions and prayers which makes me very happy to know that its been used for a good purpose.

If you have a Neem tree, you can do a Holistic cleansing bath for a week or for 21 days.
Take the leaves as your heart desire and blend with water , at bath time just rub the texture all over your body and face, rub together on palms and  run through your chakras - start from your Crown to the Root  chakra removing all unwanted energy in your body and grounding yourself the the center of Earth. 

love and light
akashmic harmony


 Note - the below text is taken from Google Web shared by individuals, they are not my own or original  text.

I am sharing with love as I did my research on Neem for
"Cancer and Us"

 The neem tree

The neem tree is one of the main plants of Ayurveda. Each and every part of the neem is used for curative purposes, from root to leaf. It is a large tree, which grows up to fifty feet and prefers a tropical climate, although it grows throughout India. Its leaves are serrated and pointed like a spear and the leaf formation is beautiful, giving it a delicate and feathery, feminine appearance. Neem purifies the atmosphere and kills germs. Therefore, it is grown at the south side of houses and in hospital grounds. Delivery rooms are fumigated with its burning bark. It is believed to be particularly protective of women and children.

The English name for neem is Margosa and its botanical name is Azadirachta indica. It is from the meliacae family and in Sanskrit it is called nimba. Neem is the Hindi appellation. It has been identified on 5000-year-old seals excavated from the Indus Valley civilization. There are two types of neem – mittha or sweet neem, and karwa or bitter neem. There is a saying in Hindi, Satya neem ki taraha karwaa hota hai – “The truth is as bitter as neem.” Just like truth, neem is bitter to take also, but if you can bear it, it can save your life.
Neem is used to combat tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, and worm infestations. It is used in vomiting, skin diseases, and excessive thirst. It heals wounds, reverses gum disease, reduces high blood pressure, and is used to treat arthritis, malaria, diabetes, liver disease, and cancer. Neem leaves reportedly remove toxins, purify blood, and prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body by neutralizing them. Neem seeds and leaves are purported to be spermicidal. 
Healing properties of Neem
The root, bark, resin, gum, twigs, leaves, seeds, flowers and fruit of the neem tree contain chemical compounds with extensive therapeutic qualities, including: analgesic, alterative, anti-inflammatory, antithelmintic, antipyretic, antigastric, antifungal, antimicrobial, antienemic, antibacterial, and antianxiety.    

 Bathing in a neem leaf infusion is excellent for swelling ulcers, eczema, leprosy ulcers, soothing scabs and clearing away scars after the pox. There are also many brands of neem soap with no chemical additives that not only keep the body fresh and clean, but are also excellent for the skin.
  The benefits of neem have been extensively and scientifically studied. The components extracted from the seeds, leaves, flowers and fruits of the neem tree have been used in traditional medicine for the cure of multiple diseases including cancer for centuries. These extracts show chemo preventive and anti-tumor effects in different types of cancer. Two bioactive components in neem, azadirachtin and nimbolide, have been studied extensively. The key anticancer effects of neem include inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of cell death, suppression of cancer angiogenesis, restoration of cellular reduction/oxidation balance, and enhancement of the host immune responsive against tumor cells. These effects are tumor selective as the effects on normal cells are much less. Furthermore, neem extract sensitizes cancer cells to immunotherapy and radiotherapy, and enhances the efficacy of other chemotherapeutic agents.
 The spiritual aspect of neem
The neem tree is rich in spiritual qualities, and it is believed to be inhabited by devas, illumined beings. Venerated by Hindus, it is dedicated to the Goddess Mariamma who is believed to preside over all epidemics. A bunch of neem leaves is hung above the door as a sign of the presence of this goddess in the house. India’s earliest societies used neem leaves to exorcize spirits.

Tree marriage: Before a girl’s marriage in India, a ceremony may be performed with the neem tree. The neem represents the girl and it is married to the banyan tree, which is the symbol of her husband. If she is fated to lose a husband, that fate will then be transferred to the banyan and it will die, not her husband.

The neem tree beautifies and purifies the environment, gives shade, healing vibrations and medicine, and nourishes the earth in return for the life it draws from her. Therefore, we can understand why it has been called ‘earth’s wish-fulfilling tree’ by the classical texts.

Friday 11 December 2015

What on my mind??

Acknowledge every problem as a mission awarded to you and not as a problem because when you are left lost or stranded alone in  Life Storms, only then you will learn to survive in every way.

"When I am left lost, something new awaits me" 
- akashmic harmony -

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind is balanced and grounded well


Who and How did Akashmic form her Task Force Team ??

 Why did Akashmic form a Task Force Team??

Who are these people in her Task Force Team??

How to be a part of this Team ??

Is this Task Force Team real or false ??

 Answers to your questions :-

Calling for all GLBTQ, Silent Victims of bully, Victims of Abused/Bullied Daughter-in-laws, Healing Heart/Soul, Disabled,  Anyone who been sideline or discriminated by their community and society  - are free to be apart of Light Worker's World with Akashmic Harmony.



The Lightworker’s identity

Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Love and Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on earth.
They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.
Because of their deeply felt mission, lightworkers often feel different from other people.
By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their own unique path.
Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.

Are You this ?? :-

- You trust in Love and Peace

- You wish to help others

- You care deeply about Human kind

- You're conscious of Mother Earth

- You are soul connected

- You're Gifted creatively

- You feel different and odd being with others

- You have to follow your heart

- You feel everything so intensely

- You Believe in Freedom and Changes

Akashmic Harmony welcomes you to the world of Light Workers

You task :-
send out Love/Healing vibration through your Heart Chakra to heal as your heart desires
If you are attuned/aligned  to any spiritual vibration, please use that technique.

Pick your choice of Task  :-

to yourself ( health, mental happiness and other issues)

to your loved ones

to cancer/HIV beings

for victims of kidnapped, abused, raped your read in your daily news Media.

to victims of Human Trafficking

to Silent victims of bullies

to Mother Nature

to Nature and it's dwellings

to lost , devastated and wandering souls died of sudden death

to every nook every corner of the world to ease all
conflict we are going through

Technique :-

relax your mind and soul with 5 intake of inhale and exhale with divine love

now that you are relax and at peace,  focus on your heart chakra (view pic)

bring your hands together as in Namaste position, then slightly separate them as if your are holding a small globe as the size of your heart with the image of the choice you picked

 Inhale divine vibes, visual a bright light is being collected at your heart .

Now ,visual this bright light merging out of your heart/body and spreading  to the invisible Globe you are holding in front of your heart . 
Surround it with your love and light.

Say in your heart that you are sending your divine light to the person/issue/situation for protect and safety. 

- If its a kidnapped case send the energy to the person dead or alive to be found.

- If it an air craft or a Shipliner, visual it in your Globe.

please do not analyze anything emotionally or mentally.......just be a Free Soul sending out good Intention.

Send out this vibration for 5  to 10 mins  and close the channel by saying  " I am now sending these divine vibes back to Cosmic as love and light".  PLEASE SEND THE VIBES TO COSMIC AND NOT BRING IT BACK TO YOUR HEART. 
Why?? its is safe to send them to Cosmic and not collect other energies back to your heart. 

** if any of your loved ones are traveling, use the same technique:-
example -  take down the flight number, name of Airline, boarding place, transit places and touch down destination. Send energy of protection for ALL on board.

** use the same technique daily for your loved ones (protection, health, studies, career , future path)

Once you have done that say "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You"

 With GREAT Love, 
Akashmic Harmony Welcome you as a Light Worker.
My beautiful GLBTQ, you are a unique soul passing through this time and space for a perfect reason
Whenever you need this....... remember words of Akashmic
"Only the wise see your unique Love and Light"

with love and light
Akashmic Harmony

Happy 2nd year of this Blog (Oct 2015)

My Beautiful Viewers
for your kind love, support and trust on this blog
Thank you for keeping it alive with your daily viewing
which motivates me to go on blogging and sharing
 my thoughts. messages from my Higher-Self, 
 Meditation techniques, self research and knowledge
to the highest good of all concern
Although I am sad to say that, in year 2015 I was less
communicative with my beautiful Cancer Warriors, LGBTQ community and those who are seeking be love and to be loved by Light Workers and I hope to come back in 2016
as the person who started this Blog for Self- Healing
 awareness and guidance

with gratitude 
Thanks to viewers 
United Kingdom

( whoever you are, wherever you are in this world)
 for being a part of  Divine Task
spreading Love and Light in your own ways

TED Talks - Sunitha Krishnan's Best Speech. Everybody must watch video.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

A gentle reminder by Akashmic Harmony

the One who loves you will never show their tears, they want you to know that they are strong warriors making no guilty feelings for you but inside them, they are sad and disappointed souls for they loved you the most.

(be it you children, your loyal friends, your loved one, your parents)

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful days begins with a Beautiful mind,
A Beautiful mind generates lovely emotions to the heart,
 a lovely heart is always at peace and ease
knowing its been loved and guided by Higher-Powers

My dear Lovelies
Currently, we are surrounded by stale energies of lies and endless lies which is not helping us in anyway and its not easy for Light Workers to be in this kind of vibes.   It is best not to absorb these murky political energies into our mind, body and soul. 
stay clarity, stay balance and stay grounded and be with profound energies.



Saturday 5 December 2015

Salam Takziah to the Royal House of Johor

My heartfelt thoughts, prayers and love to the soul of Tunku Laksamana Johor, Tunku Abdul Jalil ibni Sultan Ibrahim, a Being Human Prince whom I follow at Youtube and Facebook.

May his journey from this plane of existence be as Beautiful as his smiling fun loving soul.   

Semoga  roh al-mahrum  di cucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang orang beriman.

Tunku Jalil graduated in Zoology studies from a university in the United Kingdom and had worked as a zoo keeper in Singapore Zoo for about a year and at the London Zoo for two years.
He became the first member of the Johor royal household to serve in the police force after completing his police training for nine months.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

In case you have forgotten, a reminder from Universal Life Force

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind creates a contended Heart
a heart that radiates love and light to chaos minds

Nothing is Permanent my Beautiful souls,
so does separation/breakups/failure/misery/illness
in this process, it is for us to break or  to built ourselves.

We just need to activate our mind to empowering thoughts
by being with empowering people m reading empowering books
viewing empowering Youtube and breathing divine vibes.

 " I AM healing in every-way in my life"



Friday 27 November 2015

Love, Light and Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind creates soothing emotions to the Heart
A peace and ease heart is always at bliss and radiates
a smiling face............


Thursday 26 November 2015

Breathe with Akashmic in whatever situation you are in.

Blessing from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates Healing vibes to One's self

and how to we do this???

Inhale gently Divine/God/Cosmic vibes into you mind
hold for a second,

Exhale as gently as you can All unwanted/disturbing

and say " I am sending all these to Cosmic as love and light"
(do these technique as many times as your heart desires)
and empower your mind with this image .
Its called  Flower of Life symbol that heals our DNA through breathing meditation
(as above technique)

love and light - akashmic harmony


Thursday 19 November 2015

Message to my new viewers of Cancer viewing here............

Involve yourself on self healing (Youtube)

Dr Budwig's diet ( a powerful healing diet)
Qi Gong / Taichi (for beginners),
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden,
Breathing Meditation and Yoga.
Each time a sneaky thought pops out asking silly question like :-
- what makes you so special that you will survive
- how true is your Guide when Cancer has no hope
- is she for real???

activate immediately to empower your thoughts with Divine energy
Let's start -
*Inhale Divine force (symbols/arch angels/light of your Masters/Saints)
*hold for a second
*Exhale - all unwanted thoughts/feelings/emotions to Cosmic as love and light.
you may visual them as dark smokes emerging out of your body.
*Say - 'I am NOW sending all that doesn't serves me good to Cosmic as love and light, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You".

Shine with the Power of Sun.

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind is at ease and peace
free from mind sufferings.........

Inhale divine vibes (images/symbols/light/archangels)
in your mind ( hold) release your breath gently ..........
all unwanted thoughts/feelings/emotions to Cosmic as love and light.
(do this exercise whenever unhappy/sneaky thoughts pops in or
every morning when you wake up form your dream world)

May you have a Beautiful day filled with love and blessings.


Saturday 14 November 2015

Blessings from the world of Akahsmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A beautiful has to power to radiate love energy

"May the our love vibration be kind to the world
May our own thoughts be gentle upon us"


Message to Task Force Team of Akashmic Harmony

You know who you are.......
(those loved and cared by akashmic )
Please join me and all Light Workers in sending out Healing Vibes to heal the present situation

May our Love vibes brings comfort and empowers the chaos that is going on in this place called Earth.  

Your Healing Vibes can be in any form;-
using Arch Angels
Reiki Distant Healing
light energies
the glow of your heart chakra 

with much love and light,



Friday 13 November 2015

To my Viewers from France

On Behalf of the People of Malaysia, 

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a beautiful mind radiates love and light
seeing all Living Beings as a life form

Honestly, I have nothing to much to write as I am sadden
by the Paris attack where many innocent lives became victims
of whatever the Agenda was...................

Ego , perhaps 
not respecting other faith and religion, perhaps,
display of who's more powerful, perhaps,
that innocent lives have die and taken as hostages
to show victory.

in the eye of Akashmic is when
a True Hero seeks for a battle with those he/she is not happy with
at a Battle field.........One to One, Face to Face
willing to sacrifice his/her life for victory as a Hero or die as a Hero
not in the name of other lives.

Pray for Paris Attack Hostages.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Message to victims/silent victims of bully of any kind

You are not alone
You are Loved  by Light Workers World
You  are here to this time and space with the approval of God
not by bullies or anyone,

Please know that Bullies are also a victim of bully....
They are bullied by their own mind , 
they could have had an unhappy childhood life bullied or victimize by their parents/step parents/friends/teachers/cousins/separated by parents and family which brings anger inside them.
so they are just Humans like everyone of us.
They have no special powers or abilities in them.

Why are you being bullied???
Why is this happening to you???
Why do you have to live in fear or in misery being a victim????
because the Bully/bullies smells your fear, your weakness
and you being an introvert.

How do Akashmic knows this??
I was a victim of bully too, for I only see truth in lies
truth in hypocrisy, truth in manipulation, truth in destroying marriages,truth in love games, truth in liars but being a lovely soul in the eyes of others, I see truth where my loved one is unable to see.
I can't live a life controlled by others and I can not be what others wants me to be; or to live a life as they want it their way.  I came to this world that is meant only for me or designed for me........
so by doing what is meant for me , I became a victim of bully.

My dear beautiful victims/silent victims
with love and light, please associate yourself with people who lifts you up, loves you and cares for you.
Never make a decision of your own.
There are many Light Workers on social network that you  can be friends with.
Link yourself to Youtube on LightWorkers World and be One of us.
Universal Life Force needs your profound heart to heal many other victims of bully and humanity.

Here are some empowering, inspiring and trusted links:-
 (FaceBook which are open for public view)

Justin Preston - Rise Against Bulling
Christina Charalambous -  Puzzle Pieces
Roland Hirasek 
 Jv Aster
Thana Segaran
William Clark

Akashmic Harmony

Just a gentle note, 
the above mentioned individuals are compassion Guides,
 they are not for private love chats or for love affairs. 

 love and light


Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind sends out lovely feelings to the Heart
A Beautiful Heart radiates love and blessing to those 
surrounds it.

Beautiful people of mine
where ever you, whoever are, whatever you are going through,
You are always Bigger and Stronger then any
habits, addiction or circumstance , 


Monday 9 November 2015

Blessings from the world of akashmic

Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a beautiful mind is always ease and peace in midst of all chaos
creating a Beautiful life for One

A heart of clarity is always loved by Divine
This Powers will never allow profound hearts
 to be used or to be made used,
to be lost or to become a wandering soul,
It will protect and defend to the Highest good
where no one or no situation can hold you
as their prisoner, knowing your weakness and your love
for something or for someone.

One should Learn to live and move freely alone
in mind, heart and soul.........

"Form Is Emptiness, Emptiness Is Form" 


Message from Doreen Virtue

 with thanks to Jernail Singh (Killarney, Ireland)

11-11 New Moon Peace Prayer

Please join in worldwide prayers for peace on Wednesday 11-11 at 11:11 am and pm in your time zone. 1111 is a powerful Angel Number which signals an energy gateway opening for instant manifestation. To add to this power, the New Moon is on Wednesday 11-11! New moon is historically the time of manifestation and heightened receptivity. The New Moon is in Scorpio, a powerful sign of intuition and manifestation.

By joining in positive prayer in all time zones, we will all give and receive in divinely perfect ways.

HAPPY Deepavali to All my Hindu Viewers

Saturday 7 November 2015

Message from the world of Mystic

Never force.....
allow it to happen naturally,
if its meant to be yours, it will be yours forever
No one or nothing can remove what Divine has connected for you without its approval.

- akashmic harmony -

look for something of Beauty that will connect you to the source of all Beauty and Miracles.

Are you in this Game??

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
 A Beautiful mind creates a Beautiful life
giving out the best to those in-need 
without expectation.....

 Inhale peace Exhale bliss
sending all unwanted thoughts, feelings, energy
to Cosmic as Love and Light


Monday 2 November 2015

Life Is Beautiful

we don't need to pay for breathing
no GST
no toll
no taxes
no Govt or Higher Force can imposed  $$$ for breathing to make life harder for us.
 No Politics nvolve to make money out of it.

God/Universal Life Force knows best.

Just Breathe.....

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind trains itself to love , love, love 
and only to see the abundance of  Beauty 
around it.

Vibrate to your Highest frequency  
and Radiate the Glow of your heart chakra
casting away all dark spell.....

Saturday 31 October 2015

Sunday 18 October 2015

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

 A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
a Beautiful mind always is at test......
see this every test as polishing your thoughts to be crystal clear
with no fear and doubts residing in it. 

Wishing Beautiful people of mine a lovely day
Vibrate to the highest frequency and Shine
refuse to allow negativity to rule your body, mind and heart.


Friday 16 October 2015

Blessings from the world of Akashmic

A Beautiful day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful mind is created when we wish our loved ones and those around us with :-
lovely  smiles, Morning wishes, bliss attitude, hugs and cuddles
knowing we are filled with the energy of Divine
making a better day for us, for our children, for her/him, for them, 
for the World , for Mother Earth.


Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...