Wednesday 31 December 2014

To my lovelies who are sidelined,
 discriminated, bullied, feeling lost of love
This message is for you from the Light Workers World
you are not alone in your misery world, 
we the Light Workers feel your pain
we see your silent tears,
we know what you are going through,
Our Timeline/FB is open your friendship

Please know that you are in the right track
This is your birth right to be here at this Time and Space
with the approval of God/Divine/Universal Life Force
whoever that is mentally or physically bulling you
 has no right over you,
let it be your boyfriend or husband or your mother-in-law or in-laws or any individuals
If you are loved by them, they won't abuse your love, your respect or  your marriage
Don't let them smell your fear, they will use it against you
Rise and ROAR, show them you too have claws and fangs hut you use them in the name of love to defend and honor what is meant for you.

Love and Light from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind has the Power of Intention
to attract  only good into one's life
Divine messengers will be sent to you to Alert you,
to guide you, to protect yourself from future disaster.


Love, Light and Blessings

Happy New Year from the World of Akashmic Harmony

Beautiful people of mine
wishing everyone a Bliss and Successful year
May You be blessed with the best of the BEST in 2015
Thank you all for being a part of Akashmic's World and Akashmic's journey
Thank You for your love, blessings, support, loving thoughts and encouragements by keeping this Blog alive each moment and each day.  If I have been rude in any of my blogging knowing or unknowing, please forgive as I am a Being just like anyone of you.
Love you all.

**Just a loving message to those who born in
 the year of zodiac Snake
Please do protect yourselves with amulet, archangel Michael pendant/card, empowered photos of your Saints/Bhagawans, crystals, chant of Ratana Sutra (Pali) while traveling. 


 Sada Suki Honto

May we be well , happy and safe

Tuesday 30 December 2014

To Welcome 2015

Message from Universal Life Froce

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful mind
A Beautiful Mind creates happy thoughts
seeing the beauty of everything it touches

Raise yourself to the level of energy
where you are the light you seek,
where you are the happiness you desire,
where you are the love you feel is missing,
where you are the unlimited abundance you crave
View the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place
by doing this just like AH , you'll see a world that wants you to be
successful and abundant, rather than one that conspires against you
- Dr Wayne Dyer -

Friday 26 December 2014

In- case no one has mentioned it to you.............

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind at Peace and Ease will go into silence
when harassed by mischief minds (Mara)

This is what happen to me when I tried to guide someone
 to the Light of mental happiness, job, relationship, problems and issues faced but I am been harass and accused of controling other people's life in my path because this person is very much in love with my patient

From my Mystic eye ,
Love is seeing your loved one happy
 Love is caring,
Love is Oneness, 
Love is sharing, 
Love is Healing
Love is being success in life, 
Love is a Guide/ a Master

even in separation or divorced, 
Love is happiness knowing you are loved by someone you love very much that loves your sons/daughters happiness.

There so many things I like to voice out about LOVE
But .... I think I am dumb ass when comes to love.
I am only good in Reiki self healing and Oneness Love to those been discriminated by their family and society.  



Thursday 25 December 2014

My Beloved Sweetheart by Akashmic - RUMI LOVERS

My Beloved sweetheart

It is you that I came back for.... 
It is you that I am keeping alive
It is you that I look forward for each morning and day
It is you that I love 
It is you that I  preserved my heart
from being taken in times of solace and comfort
of you not being with me to this time and space
Its you I feel from beyond stars

Memories of year ago....
Its funny , the first conversation we had..
I told you NOT to fall in love with me if you saw who I am

and you said..."No , I won't, I promise"

smile, smile, smile............. did you??

We were loved by divine and given that short period 
of happiness for a perfect reason

to this Profound Noble love ......
blessed by above ,before, now and forever
Just like Romeo and Juliet, Titanic and Devadass
Our story is an Epic too.. 

You are safe  and secure in arms of angels

creation of  akashmic harmony
dated 26/12/14

Message Quote

Greetings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind expresses beautiful thoughts
to our loved ones and those we met connected by Divine

Wishing all my lovelies a day filled with love and mental happiness
Be a Light to our children
May all that we have experience in life be the guidelines for us
Be their Light, their Channel, their Master, guiding them for a brighter focused life with mental happiness, peace and being healthy, wise, successful, respectable individuals.

Walk with AH

Be safe Be secure Be loved


Wednesday 24 December 2014

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Life happens with manifestation of Beautiful Mind
A  Beautiful Mind always see the beauty in every issues/situations/events as a lesson to oneself , to grow stronger and evolve oneself.
Blaming, blackmailing and making one feel guilty is not going to help us out in any situation.....
 we allowed it to happen,
 we allowed people to make use of us,
we allowed ourselves to be mislead ,
we allowed one to fool us easily, 
we allowed our thoughts to think that a person love us 
through friendships and communication,
 WE made that choice to believe we wanted to believe

So when we are being hurt and felt cheated......
It is us who permitted  all this into our lives.

The remedy to this emotions/thoughts/feelings of betrayal is
" turn all your sadness, frustration and anger to enlightenment"
by saying Thanks for this issues/situations/events to happen as a Mission given to accomplish by ULF/Divine/God to see how evolve you are.  
Be Proud that you are the chosen one to this "Mission"



To my beautiful wounded Beings

Christmas Greetings from the heart of Akashmic Harmony

Good Night from the World of Akashmic

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only star up tonite
waiting for her moon to appear

Bliss nite my Beautiful Warriors,
sleep well knowing you are loved by an angel
if you have fear being alone, place your palms on your heart Chakra
think of AH or your Divine force, when you feel a warmness on your palm
that's us....healing your fear.
Be safe be secure be loved dear ones.

 To the ones having had a bad day....
Breathe with me, walk with me to Nature
Inhale the Bliss fragrance of Nature, hear the running water of the stream . Exhale peace....


Leaving you with aromatherapy of relaxation and bliss to your body, mind and soul.


Beloved love....

Message from the Light Worker's World

Be Brave Quote

Monday 22 December 2014

GLBTQ the answer to your being here at this Time and Space.

Print this as many you desire, take it along and if you are being bullied or belittle stick it on their forehead , let them how powerful you are that you got this messages from Cosmic/Akashmic Vibes.

For effective effect :- you may handle it out to the public who are witnessing the harassment. As the saying goes "Turn the table"
Its fine for bullies to be in depressed mode....they are  human just like you, me and everyone but they are lack of love from their loved ones.....that is their disability.

Sunday 21 December 2014

AH's signature Raita (Yogurt Salad)

 Raita is my favorite salad 
and I created one with a signature name - Jaaneman Raita.
(with the simplicity of Noble riches of the heart)
It is filled with sliced :-
Cheery tomatoes, 
Japanese cucumber,
Waterchest nuts, 
Mint and Natural yogurt .

Your Light is Needed......

Have an empowering Monday

Wishing everyone an empowering Monday

To my Victorious Warriors under going chemotherapy/Radiotherapy
my love and light for being such courageous Warriors, remember to stay 70% Alkaline in food and drink in take cooling intake, please.
Why??? because it will help cancer cells to revive.

To my precious GLBTQ, you are loved by the Light Workers World
you are on the right track for this is your birth right to be who you are.

The my lovelies of Care Givers, Silent Victims of Bully,  Healing Heart, Healing Soul, Special Need Beings, Beings seek for a Light, Viewers stay bless , always get the blessings of your divine force whatever you do and everything will fall into place perfectly for you....

To the ones who adores AH, breathe with me, walk with me  and 

 STAY BLESS in every aspect of your life

Your Task for today.......are you ready for this????

1......2....3!!!!!! Put on your Magical smile!!!!!!!
Its could be a life support to someone's heart and never know who adores you silently.
Your Multi-vits for putting on your Magical smile..

With Gratitude

With the Blessings of Holy Triple Gem
I Am Loved
I AM Loved Beyond Measure
I AM Enough

Good Night From the World of Akashmic

Star Light Star Bright
Akashmic is the only star up tonite
hoping for the Moon to appear

Sleep well my Beautiful Beings
know that you are safe, secure and loved in a place call
Dreamland, the only zone without barriers, boundaries, discrimination and rejection.
Its a World of your own. And did you know that someone you miss, will be waiting in your Dreamland with Magical Mystic dreams of joy and happiness. Close your eyes now and sleep well my dear Victorious Warriors and All my Beautiful Beings visiting this blog.

To my discomfort Victorious Warriors, 
relax and inhale as gentle as possible
visual divine light/symbols at the discomfort area
exhale discomfort/pain. 

or as you chant Gayatri Mantra , focus it flowing to the discomfort area and exhale gently.

When AH is in pain, I visual Arch angel Michael , gently stroking my discomfort area with his white feather, spreading his light and release the pain to Cosmic as love and light.

Be safe Be secure Be loved, knowing you are touched by Light Energies, leaving you with the fragrance of gratitude, joy and oneness.

Sada Suhki Honto

Friday 19 December 2014

Our Love, Light and Thoughts are with the little souls of Cairns.

Its another sad day of knowing a mass death of 8 children of Cairns,  North Queesland, Australia.

From The Blog of Akashmic Harmony,
Our Love, Light, Prayers and Thoughts are these little souls,
wishing them a Bliss journey from this plane of existences

Thursday 18 December 2014

Clear all your blocks, boundaries and barriers that you built in you, just like AH many years back.
Be as Bright as a STAR and shine on those seeking for the same light because YOU are in the Task Force Team of the Universe,
how do AH know about Universal Task Force Team ???
You visit AH's blog.
love and light

Blessings from the World Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Mind  makes the Heart at ease and at peace
vanquishing sneaky worries and questions

Breathe with me and walk with me
knowing All will fall perfectly in place
when our heart is filled with gratitude  
Problems no longer problems
worries no longer worries
just love, love, love, love with gratitude 
on everything that touches us 

Inhale AH, exhale bliss (5 times)


Wednesday 17 December 2014

If you are been disappointed .........

Blessings from the World of Akashmic

A Beautiful Day begins with a Beautiful mind
A beautiful mind produces healthy thoughts
Healthy thoughts brings peace and ease to the Heart
vanquishing all doubts and judgmental in us
Wishing all my BeYoutiful Victorious Beings
a day filled with love and light from the World of Miracles and Magic
knowing you are always loved by someone or by some Light Energies
You are never alone,
You are never shut off from this World for your untold story
This world belongs to YOU, to me , to everyone
there no barriers and boundaries
just Human made conflicts cos some has nothing better to do
other than seeing one miserable
So....ROAR if you must.


Benefit of Breathing Meditation

Love and Light from the world of Akashmic

Star Light Star Bright 
Sleep Well my BeYoutiful Victorious Beings, Care Givers, precious GLBTQ,  Medical Team,Healing Hearts/Souls, my lovely Special Need Beings and Viewers.

To All Medical Team, Ambulance , Fire and Rescue Personals, you are Earth Angels on standby mode while the rest are asleep.

Please feel free to join me in sending healing/protective vibes to all passengers on board Air Craft and Ship Liners, to all Living Beings every nook every corner of this Globe.

Be safe Be secure Be loved, enhance yourself with Divine Vibration during this trying times.
 Sada Sukhi Raho

Re-posting - Let Me See The LOVE.

  I have posted 'Let Me See The LOVE" on 12/12/14 at my Timeline and at this Blogs
 Re-posting it today - Dedicated to the Fallen Heroes of both solemn events that took place.  I do pick up vibrations but I don't know where in the world it will happen.
From the Heart of Akashmic :-

Let me see the LOVE that brings Oneness, not separation

Let me see the LOVE that is at mind peace in midst of all chaos/violence

Let me see the LOVE that transform criminal minds to loveable hearts

Let me see the LOVE that is unshaken to a bullet or sword 

Let me see to LOVE that puts uncertainty to the minds of
Gangsters/Rapist/Bullies when confronted

This is the LOVE I am looking for this crucial times of human conflict created by human themselves.
The Love, just like the Love that radiates from

our Saints/Masters/Great Ones.

Some may say; Its Ridicules or I am out of my mind to post this.
My question is - Then why are we putting so much effort or spreading LOVE/Humanity to make Earth a better place to live? Why there are such things like Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Sholin and other spiritual guidance, why can we manifest it like our Masters??

Monday 15 December 2014

Love and Light to All Healing Hearts...

A Beautiful Day Begins with a Beautiful Mind
A Mind Beautiful is always loved .

 My Beautiful Victorious Warriors, Care Givers, Silent Victims of Bully,
Healing Hearts, Healing Souls, precious GLBTQ, Special Need Beings and Viewers

 May your day be filled with joy and at ease
May your magical smile brings comfort to those around you.
May whatever good you gain not to be lost.


In case You have forgotten.............

Blessings from the Wold of Akashmic

Friday 12 December 2014

A Beautiful Days begin with a Beautiful Mind
A Beautiful Minds creates a Lovely Heart
Lovely Heart knows its been loved and it is at ease and peace.

Wishing All my BeYoutiful Victorious Beings
Love, Light and Blessings from the World of Akashmic

Be safe Be secure Be loved


Let Me See The Love...................

From the Heart of Akashmic :-

Let me see the LOVE that brings Oneness, not separation

Let me see the LOVE that is at mind peace in midst of all chaos/violence

Let me see the LOVE that transform criminal minds to loveable hearts

Let me see the LOVE that is unshaken to a bullet or sword 

Let me see to LOVE that puts uncertainty to the minds of
Gangsters/Rapist/Bullies when confronted

This is the LOVE I am looking for this crucial times of human conflict created by human themselves.
Just like the Love that radiates from our Saints/Masters/Great Ones.
Some may say; Its Ridicules or I am out of my mind to post this.
My question is - Then why are we putting so much effort or spreading LOVE/Humanity to make Earth a better place to live? Why there are such things like Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Sholin and other spiritual guidance??

Thursday 11 December 2014

Metta Vibes for Tonight

 Please feel free to join me in sending Metta Vibes to defenseless little Beings been canned, beaten or punished by their distress parents, causing them to live in fear and hatred. If you are a victim who experienced it during your childhood , you may send this vibes to your inner child - Visual the time and the age of this issue by giving hugs and saying to your inner child that he/she is now loved, cared and protected by your goodself. If you are reading this post, pls take a moment to send your prayers/mantra/love/meditation vibes to the said intend.

Sada Sukhi Honto

Love and Light from the Heart of Akashmic

Manifest conversation.

 " While I sleep the Universe is moving everything in my favour. I can rest knowing all my desire are attracted to me I AM a natural ma...