Thursday 25 December 2014

My Beloved Sweetheart by Akashmic - RUMI LOVERS

My Beloved sweetheart

It is you that I came back for.... 
It is you that I am keeping alive
It is you that I look forward for each morning and day
It is you that I love 
It is you that I  preserved my heart
from being taken in times of solace and comfort
of you not being with me to this time and space
Its you I feel from beyond stars

Memories of year ago....
Its funny , the first conversation we had..
I told you NOT to fall in love with me if you saw who I am

and you said..."No , I won't, I promise"

smile, smile, smile............. did you??

We were loved by divine and given that short period 
of happiness for a perfect reason

to this Profound Noble love ......
blessed by above ,before, now and forever
Just like Romeo and Juliet, Titanic and Devadass
Our story is an Epic too.. 

You are safe  and secure in arms of angels

creation of  akashmic harmony
dated 26/12/14

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