Friday 12 December 2014

Let Me See The Love...................

From the Heart of Akashmic :-

Let me see the LOVE that brings Oneness, not separation

Let me see the LOVE that is at mind peace in midst of all chaos/violence

Let me see the LOVE that transform criminal minds to loveable hearts

Let me see the LOVE that is unshaken to a bullet or sword 

Let me see to LOVE that puts uncertainty to the minds of
Gangsters/Rapist/Bullies when confronted

This is the LOVE I am looking for this crucial times of human conflict created by human themselves.
Just like the Love that radiates from our Saints/Masters/Great Ones.
Some may say; Its Ridicules or I am out of my mind to post this.
My question is - Then why are we putting so much effort or spreading LOVE/Humanity to make Earth a better place to live? Why there are such things like Meditation, Reiki, Yoga, Sholin and other spiritual guidance??

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