Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year from the World of Akashmic Harmony

Beautiful people of mine
wishing everyone a Bliss and Successful year
May You be blessed with the best of the BEST in 2015
Thank you all for being a part of Akashmic's World and Akashmic's journey
Thank You for your love, blessings, support, loving thoughts and encouragements by keeping this Blog alive each moment and each day.  If I have been rude in any of my blogging knowing or unknowing, please forgive as I am a Being just like anyone of you.
Love you all.

**Just a loving message to those who born in
 the year of zodiac Snake
Please do protect yourselves with amulet, archangel Michael pendant/card, empowered photos of your Saints/Bhagawans, crystals, chant of Ratana Sutra (Pali) while traveling. 


 Sada Suki Honto

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